Tuesday 7 April 2020

Junk Construction - Time to Build and Make & Ayyub's Clever Creation!

Send your clever creations to debeauvoirprimaryschool@gmail.com and we can share them! 😀

Wow! Have a look at Ayyub's amazing designs for his car! What a brilliant drawing and creating. A car boat! I want to have a turn on your amazing car boat....although I'm not sure I will fit!
Well done!

1 comment:

  1. Ayyub - what an incredible builder you are! Look at your great planning and constructing for your very creative Car Boat Aeroplane. I wonder if you could write some more sentences about your creation using your writing skills. You could retell what resources you used to make it, or how you made it. I look forward to seeing your great writing! Miss Li Rosi :)
