Wednesday 18 November 2020

imoves ~ Quick Blast Yoga Poses

imoves is an online resource with lots of quick, interactive games and moves to support our whole-body development

It helps us to:

Click on the picture below for a quick 2 minute Yoga Blast Video!

You might like to use this video as a Brain Break throughout the day or to start your mornings off even before school! 😊

Your Afternoon A r t ~ Directed Drawing!

After listening to the story 'Pete the Cat and his four groovy buttons' I thought we could have a go at drawing him!

At the beginning of the video, we hear another 'Pete the Cat' story! We could read this one together soon 😊

(Remember to pause the video to help you with drawing each step!)

Happy Drawing!!

Story Time ~ Pete the Cat!

On Monday when we were exploring collections we used the story Pete the Cat to help us!

Click on the video below to listen to the story – can you see other collections of 4 in the story? Look closely at the pictures. Can you spot a different collection? Is it bigger or smaller than 4?

Enjoy the story 😊

Maths ~ Nursery

As we continue to develop our knowledge of reciting/counting numbers to 5 and beyond, listen to the song below and join in!

**Parents/carers** Please remember - developing our children's number sense is essential for future mathematical understanding. It involves repetition, and using gestures and concrete materials to connect math language (this makes it powerful as it engages our whole body in the learning!)

Your child might just like to listen first - that is okay. On the second watch, encourage and model using your fingers to count the beesπŸ™‚

To support please see the script below:

"Here is the beehive (hand cupped) but where are all the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees…
Here they come flying out of their hive
One, two, three, four, five (extend fingers one by one)

Here is the beehive (hand cupped) but where are all the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees…
Here they come flying out of their hive
One, two, three, four, five (extend fingers one by one)

buzz up high
buzz down low
buzzing fast
buzzing slow
buzz to the left
buzz to the right
buzz all day but sleep at night.

Here is the beehive (hand cupped) but where are all the bees?
Hiding away where nobody sees…
Here they come flying out of their hive
One, two, three, four, five (extend fingers one by one)"

After listening and re-enacting the song, help your child to draw and make 5 bees. They could have a go independently using the picture to help, or you could guide them with drawing an 'oval' for the body, 'circles' for the eyes and 'lines' for their legs and stripes.

They could then use their beautiful bees to re-enact the song 

Happy Counting and Buzzing!! πŸπŸπŸπŸπŸ

Maths ~ Reception

Today we will be continuing to explore collections and representing them. We will use our five-frame to add items and talk about what we can see.

Let’s get started!

Look at the picture below… what can you see? How many birds are there?

Draw a five frame and place them in there. 

Here is mine:

I wonder if yours looks the same or different to mine…

Does it matter? Does it change the amount of birds we have?

Let’s try that again!!

Can you place the birds in the tree in another five-frame?

What do you notice about your five frame?

I can see mine is now full! So 5 items fill up a 5 frame!

Can you have a go at finding other objects to add in your five-frame?

I wonder if you can show the same collection in a different way...

H E L P ! Our new mat has some covered friends... ~ C&L and MarkMaking/Writing

Oh ohhh😧... it seems that 3 of our friends on our mat have been covered!

I can't see their full face, but I wonder if you can help me work out what animal they are?

Nursery: Describe what you can see under our small world resources (the yellow arrow is there to help you!)
Can you tell us what animals you think there are under there... Why do you think that? What can you see or notice?
Have a go at drawing the 3 animals that might be under the mat!

Reception: Using your phonics and your mark making skills, retell what animals you think are under the small world resources! Can you tell us why you think it is that animal?
I wonder if it could be something different...
Have a go at drawing all 3, using their features and recording the sounds you can hear to name the animal. You might even like to label one of the animals - what can you see they have? (hint, I think they all have 2 ____ to see with and 1___ nose to smell with)

I look forward to seeing your amazing responses!

Listening and Attention Games ~ Nursery

Today for our Listening & Attention Game it’s time for a Dance!

You can choose your own music, or you might like to use the song I chose below.

Play the music – and when it stops you need to  f r e e z e !

(Parents/carers - try to hide the music source so our children can't see when you're about to stop it!)


This game helps us to build our listening and attention skills by carefully stopping and starting when the music does. It helps us to work on impulse control. 

You might like to try this game with different songs, and also different movements - when you freeze you might like to do a 'happy face', 'sad face' or 'silly face'. You could even pose as different animals.


Happy   d a n c i n g !

Phonics ~ New Sound 'j' ~ Reception

This morning for our Phonics Session we will be learning a new sound!

Turn to the person next to you and whisper ‘new sound’. Turn to the person again and shout ‘NEW SOUND’!

Let’s make a start… 

Use the images below to explore our new sound.

(left to right)





Practise saying the sound 'j-j-j-j'


To write ‘j’ we go ‘Down his body, curl and dot.

Have a go in the air using your perfect pencil grip.


Have a go on the floor in front of you.

Have a go on somebody’s back.

Now using a paper and a pen (just like we do in our Phonics Books) practise your ‘j’. You might like to use the sheet below as a guide 😊

I wonder if throughout the day you can find items around the house that begin with ‘j-j-j’!

You could draw or write all the things you find😊


Happy ‘j-j-j’ hunting!

Let's Start our Wonderful Wednesday!

Just like yesterday, let’s start our day the same way that we would if we were in our classroom together!

Let’s sing our Days of the Week song! – I wonder if you can have a go without the song today!


Can you share with your family:


Today is ________

Yesterday was _________

Tomorrow will be _________


Have a look on the bead string below (just like the one we have on our working wall!) can you retell what the date is today?

I have added the word ‘yesterday’ to help you!

Today is _______

The date is the ____ of November

Have a go at choosing a different action to count your way to todays date! Ask an adult to help youπŸ˜ƒ

- clapping

- jumping

- stomping

- fairy claps

- fairy jumps

- star jumps

Good Morning Early Years! 🌟

W E L C O M E    T O

As we begin our second day of home learning, please ensure to look at our class blog for all activities. Just like yesterday we will have a specific Phonics/Listening & Attention Activity, Writing, Maths, Story time and an Art Activity (scroll to see them all or you can also use the side under 'November' to look through the posts from yesterday and today)

Don’t forget to have time throughout your day for P L A Y!


Remember, some posts will be for us all, and some will be directed at Nursery and others at Reception, to support everyone's learning πŸ˜Š

Please feel free to look and use all of our posts!


Please send your amazing work, thoughts and ideas to and feel free to comment on any post!

I look forward to seeing your work throughout the day.

Tuesday 17 November 2020

Paula's Super Productive Day!

Thank you Paula and family for sending through pictures of your play, phonics and writing activity!πŸ˜€

I was so excited to receive it!!

What a wonderful castle you built during your play! I wonder how many different coloured pieces you have used...

Look at all your amazing Phonic sounds!
Can you share with your family the sound of each letter?

I can see your favourite animal on our new mat is a bear. I love the way you have used your phonic sounds to write 'B-bear', and the way you have added some sounds for 'leaves'.

You should feel so proud of your wonderful writing and your detailed picture!🀩

Amazing Al-Ameen is working super hard today!

It is wonderful to see Al-Ameen using his resource pack to help him with recording numerals, tracing and making shapes today!

Well done Al-Ameen for carefully tracing around the ruler to make your triangle! I wonder if you could find triangles around the house - count the sides and corners of them - what do you notice?πŸ˜€
Keep it up Superstar! 🌟

Afternoon A R T !

See below for some ideas:

S U R P R I S E! ~ C&L and Writing/Mark Making

Look at our new incredible mat!! 😱😍
Thank you Miss Rader for ordering this for us!

We are so excited to have such a beautiful, big and bright mat in our classroom.


Today, for our C&L (Communication & Language) and Writing Task we will be using our new mat!

To begin, can you all name the animals on our new mat?

Reception: Can you describe the animals? Think about their size, how many legs they have? Do they have a tail? Describe what colours or patterns you can see.
Using your mark making skills can you draw your favourite animal. Think about the colours and shapes you are using.
Finally, underyour picture, use your phonics to write the first letter of the animal.
Can you use your phonics to write what the animal eats or where is lives?

Nursery: Can you name the animals and what sounds they make? You might like to look this up with an adult.
Share which one is your favourite. Why is it your favourite? (encourage full sentences)
Using your mark making skills, have a go at drawing your favourite animal!
Can you find the correct colours to colour it in?

Remember Early Years, when mark making try really hard to focus on the shapes and lines. Does your animal have eyes and a mouth?

I am looking forward to seeing your work. You can send it at
We can hang it right by our mat in our new classroom😊
Don't forget, you can also comment below.

Maths ~ Reception

In our classroom we have been focusing on recognising and making collections up to 5. We have been exploring making these by using a range of materials.

Can you retell what is important when we are counting collections?

Should we count it fast or slow... why?


Today we will be using the page of the storybook 'Kipper's Birthday' by Mick Inkpen

(you might like to listen to the story today too! - click on the video below)

Can you retell how old Kipper is turning?

How do you know?

Make a cake and show the same number of candles - you might like to draw the cake and use objects as candles, or you might like to make it all using some paper, pens, scissors and glue!


Here is my cake!

I have 5 candles on my cake!
Can you tell me how many I have left over?

Now it is your turn to find 5 objects around the house - how many different collections can you make?

I look forward to seeing them!😊

Send them to

Maths ~ Nursery!

 5 Little Ducks!

In Maths, we have been learning how to recite numbers to and from 5, and beyond.
To help us do this, we sing and re-enact Nursery Rhymes daily.

Click on the picture above to sing the Nursery Rhyme - 5 Little Ducks.
To help you, you could make some ducks!
You could draw these, paint these or even make masks.

You could also use your fingers to support you with retelling the numbers.


Can you remember our new song '5 Little Birdies'?
It is sung to the same tune as '5 Little Ducks'.

Have a go with your family 😊

You might like to record it and send it to us at
I can't wait to see!!

P L A Y !


Throughout your day at home, don't forget to P L A Y !

You could:

  • help to bake a cake
  • follow a recipe
  • build a tower
  • build a den
  • use props to retell a story
  • r e a d
  • dress up
  • complete a jigsaw or puzzle

Listening and Attention Games ~ Nursery

We have been exploring sounds around us to help support and develop our knowledge of sounds.

We are continuing to explore environmental sounds and instrumental sounds. While the sun is shining, you might like to go on an environmental walk - listening to the sounds around you!

Or you might like to do it at home! Close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you... you might hear birds, cars, sirens, wind.

Encourage full sentences - I can hear...

You could use this activity to mark make - draw the things you heard! Have a go at exploring the colours and shapes of all the things you heard.

Phonics ~ Word Time Lesson! ~ Reception

This morning for our Phonics Session we will be completing our Word Time lesson.

Before we begin, let's revisit our sound from yesterday - can you remember which one we did?

Practise teaching your family our sound - can you find some things around the house that begin with rrrrr?


WordTime 1.4

Using cut up paper - write the sounds: m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, o, c, k, u, b, f, e, l, sh

Practise your speedy sounds by retelling the sounds - remember to be super speedy and sharp!

Now, using your sounds - let's use our Fred Talk to help us read the whole words.

Ask an adult to read the sounds:

'h e n'              'sh o p'             'f i sh'

Have a go now at using your cut up sound cards to make some of our green words below.

Finally, have a go at using your Fred Talk to read these words!

Can you find the special friend?

Click here for some more supporting information via the RuthMiskin Training Website 😊

Terrific Tuesday!

To start our morning off, let's sing our Days of the Week song!

Can you share with your family:

Today is ________

Yesterday was _________

Tomorrow will be _________

Have a look on the bead string below (just like the one we have on our working wall!) can you retell what the date is today?

I will give you a hint... yesterday was the 16th, so it is one more than 16 (such a big number!)

You could use objects around the house to help you with counting😊

Today is _______

The date is the ____ of November

Have a go at counting your way to today's date! Ask an adult to help youπŸ˜ƒ

Some ideas you could do are:

- clapping

- jumping

- stomping

- fairy claps

- fairy jumps

- star jumps

G o o d M o r n i n g !

Good Morning Early Years!

Welcome to Terrific Tuesday - it is t-t-t-terrific to have you here!

Whilst we are learning from home, please remember to send through your wonderful work and/or photos throughout your time at home to so I can see it and share it!!

Throughout the day you will see a specific Phonics/Listening & Attention Activity, Writing, Maths and an Art Activity.
Remember to have time throughout your day for P L A Y!

Some posts will be for us all, and some will be directed at Nursery and others at Reception to support their learning 😊
Please feel free to look and use all of our posts!

I look forward to seeing your Wonderful Work
Miss Li Rosi