Friday 22 May 2020

Fun Friday ~ Sport Session! ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿฝ‍♀️

It's our Fun Friday Sport Session again!
It's time to move your body!!

Today's sport session is a short stretching session called 'Whirling Happiness'. 

Click on the picture below to get started.

You might like to follow this on with one of Joe Wicks exercises from his YouTube Channel
(from Monday's post)


Have a lovely May half-term break.
I look forward to hearing all about it ๐Ÿ˜Š
Stay happy and safe!

Shape Construction!

Click on the picture below to explore and match some shapes!

As you are matching them, name and describe them!
How many sides do they have?
How many corners do they have?
Can you name other shapes that have the same number of sides?
Can you find these shapes around you?

The Gingerbread Man!

Do you remember the story 'The Gingerbread Man'. When we were reading and exploring this story, the Gingerbread Man sent us on a hunt to find his friends!
You can reread and listen to the story below by clicking on the video๐Ÿ˜Š

Now it's your time to make The Gingerbread Man and his friends with your family!


Recipe cards:

**No cutter - no problem! Use your hands to mould your gingerbread men!**

Thursday 21 May 2020

World Meditation Day!

Today is World Meditation Day.

We usually meditate daily in Reception.
Can you share with your family why we meditate? What does it help us to do?

Meditation is the art of focusing on something - it could be a picture, a sound, an object of the imagination, or even your own breathing. Mediation encourages attention and awareness, as well as achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm, stable state.
Today, you could try this video:

Happy Meditating!

Crayon Rubbing!

Have you ever noticed all the different patterns on the surfaces around you?

Have a go at exploring the different surfaces today!

You will need:

  • paper
  • colourful pencils or crayons
  • scissors

Use the image below to help you as a guide to explore around you!

You might even like to do this activity outside in the garden, or when you are on a walk.

Send your amazing creations to so we can share them altogether ๐Ÿ˜Š


Click on the picture below to watch another episode of Alphablocks!

In this episode you will see lots of special friends and even some 4-letter words!

Can you write down all the special friends you heard and read in this episode?

There is one special word that is made up of two little words - I wonder if you can find it in this video?

Are you ready to Make - Aim - Score!

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Phonics ~ Revisiting our special friends!

Click on the image below to revisit our special friends with this dinosaur egg game!

Listen carefully to the word and click on the egg that has the special friend sound in it.

You can explore all of the special friends (in 1st or 2nd column) on the front page - sh, th. ch. ng. nk, ay, ee, igh, ow, oo, ar

The second column might be a little tricky but it would be great for you to have a go! 

I look forward to hearing all about it!

Oak National Academy! ~ Lesson 4

Click on the link below to see our next Weekly Wednesday lesson from Oak National Academy! ๐Ÿ™‚
Today we will be beginning to explore the story of Hansel and Gretel by designing your own sweet!

To start, please click here to see a lesson with a teacher named Miss Hughes titled - 'Design a Sweet'.

This is Lesson 1 to a sequence of lessons exploring the traditional tale: Hansel and Gretel.
Try and get through all the lessons until our next Weekly Wednesday Lesson!

(just click on the picture and scroll down to 'Hansel and Gretel'

Colour Experiment!

I can't wait to add some photos of your experiments here!๐Ÿ˜€

Tuesday 19 May 2020

D.I.Y Lava Lamps!

Do It Yourself - Lava lamps

Have you ever seen a lava lamp?

Lava lamps:

A lava lamp is a decorative lamp. It usually has a light inside which gives off heat and a liquid inside which moves around from the heat!

Have a go at making your very own lava lamp at home!

You need:
  • oil
  • a water bottle
  • food colouring

Step 1 - add oil to the bottle (not to the top so it is full though - leave some space!)
Step 2 - add some water
Step 3 - Add 4 drops of food colouring
Step 4 - Put a lid on it really tightly and turn it upside down

What do you notice about the food colouring blobs? ๐Ÿค”

What shapes can you see inside your lava lamp?

Can you describe the speed of the blobs - are they fast or slow?

Time to D R A W some Dinosaurs!

Click on the video below to draw some dinosaurs!
You might like to pause the video after each step to give you some time to follow along๐Ÿ˜Š

I wonder if you can name some of the dinosaurs in the video?

I can't wait to see your amazing pictures!

Story time with Miss Li Rosi ~ When I am feeling lonely...

Before we begin - make sure you have your writing book 'When I am feeling...' all ready to go! 
From last Thursdays Post 'When I am feeling happy...'

You could begin your sentence with:

'When I am feeling lonely I can...'

You could even write a list of strategies that you can do to help you feel better.

You could also draw a picture to match๐Ÿ˜Š

Monday 18 May 2020

PE with Joe Wicks!

Every morning at 9am Monday to Friday - Joe Wicks has a live PE session on his YouTube Channel!

He has lots of fun exercises that will definitely get your heart racing!!

You might even like to revisit his YouTube channel throughout the day for a brain break! 

Storybook ~ Stegosaurus Would Not Make a Good Pirate

Do you think Stegosaurus would make a good pirate?

Share this funny story together with your family๐Ÿ˜€
Click on the picture below.

Happy Reading!

M o n e y !

Friday 15 May 2020

Fun Friday ~ Sport Session! ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿฝ‍♀️

Welcome to our Fun Friday Sport Session again!

Today's sport session is in two parts:
1. A small workout session
2. Some ideas to practise throwing and catching at home!

Click on the picture below to get started.


Let's practice your underarm and overarm throw!

First, to get started start with a small, soft ball, or even rolled up socks, throw them carefully in the air, so you can catch it - 

Try this 10 times - Can you keep throwing and catching without it falling on the floor?

Next - Using your underarm throw (remember your hand is by your side) throw it to a family member.

Then - Using your overarm throw (remember your hand in by your ear now) throw it to a family member.

Which throw do you find easier? Why?
Can you teach an Overarm or Underarm throw to someone else in your family?

Make your own Binoculars!

We have been explorers on a Safari ride and in a boat before in Reception.

I wonder if you can have a go at making your own Binoculars at home and explore what you can see around you?

Maybe you could take them on a walk with you - look super carefully and retell what you can see.

Remember to use full sentences: "I can see..." 
Can you describe what it looks like? You could explain the size, colour, texture or even pattern!

Friday Fun ~ Welcome to my Bowling Alley!๐ŸŽณ

Do you remember our post - 'Look at my collection'

Well... guess what!!?

I added 4 more - so now I have 10!!
(just to double check - - - - + - - - - - - = 10)

I can finally create my game!!

Welcome to my bowling alley ๐ŸŽณ

How many did I knock down?
How many are left?


Your turn now!!! ๐Ÿ˜

Thursday 14 May 2020

Goldilocks and The Three Bears ~ with a twist!

Do you remember the story Goldilocks and The Three Bears...

I remember when you are became great chefs at making porridge and making sure it was "Just Right!" and making sure the bowls were ordered from biggest to smallest with the correct spoons for the Three Bears!

Watch the video below to revisit the story ๐Ÿ˜Š


Now, here is a twist! 

Click the book below and ask a family member to read you the new and funny story with the same characters in it!!
Baby Bear is the author

Enjoy Reading! ๐Ÿ˜€

Share what was the same and what was different about this new story?


Did you know this term we are becoming

P a l a e o n t o l o g i s t s!

Try reading it as: (PAL) - (EE) - (ON) - (TOL) - (UH) - (JIST)
Wow... what a big word!!!

A Palaeontologist explores and learns about fossils and dinosaurs.

Fossils are the remains or traces of plants and animals that lived long ago!

So... here is an activity for you Palaeontologists!

Enjoy making fossils!!

Story time with Miss Li Rosi ~ When I am feeling happy...

Before we begin - make sure you have your own Writing Book all ready to go! 
(It might be best to make a new one from yesterdays post so you can make your front cover as 'When I am feeling...')
You could also decorate the front cover with lots of different emotions!

Some sentence starters you could use are:

I feel happy when...

I am happy when... 


_______________ makes me feel happy.

You could also draw a picture to match๐Ÿ˜Š

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Book Making!

You can become an Author at home by making your own book!
You will need this hint for tomorrow too - so stay tuned! ๐Ÿ˜‹

All you need is:

  • One coloured piece of paper (if you don't have a coloured one you could decorate a white piece of paper!)
  • 2 white pieces of paper

Step 1 - Place the coloured paper on top of the two white pieces of paper

Step 2 - Fold them all in half (just like the picture below)

Step 3 - Decide which way you would like your book to be!

You could use your books in two ways:

Vertically                         OR                  Horizontally 

Then you are ready to create a front cover and maybe even a back cover!!!


If you want to be super creative - you could cut your book out in a different shape or design!
You could ask an adult to help you copy a drawing of something you love.

Oak National Academy! ~ Lesson 3

Click on the link below to see our next Weekly Wednesday lesson from Oak National Academy! ๐Ÿ™‚
Today we will be beginning to explore the story of Little Red Riding Hood and exploring maps!

To start, please click here to see a lesson with a teacher named Miss Hughes titled - 'Using Maps'.

This is Lesson 1 to a sequence of lessons exploring the traditional tale: Little Red Riding Hood.
Try and get through all the lessons until our next Weekly Wednesday Lesson!

What's the Time Mr Wolf !

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Join the Hip-Hop Trio!

Reception, I know how much you love to dance!
GoNoodle now have a new channel with lots of fun hip-hop dancing videos.
Guess what... they even have The Floss and The Dab!

Click here to go directly to the 'Blazer Fresh' GoNoodle Channel!

I know you tried lots of time to teach me The Floss - now I can keep trying at home!!
Hopefully by the time we are back at school, I'll be super at it! ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž๐Ÿคž

Happy Dancing!!!

Let's Make a Rainbow! ๐ŸŒˆ

Did you know a rainbow has become a symbol of saying "Hello" to our friends and neighbours that we are not currently socialising with. It is also a symbol to say "Thank you" to lots of people working very hard during this time.

Before we begin, I wonder how rainbows are created... I know we have explored and discussed this at school, maybe you can remember and retell it to your family! 
hint - ๐ŸŒฆ

Let's make a rainbow today!

You will need:
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Coloured paint (or even pencils/crayons/pens)
To start us off, watch Alphablocks and let them help you with the colours of a rainbow! ๐Ÿ˜€๐ŸŒˆ

Then, draw your rainbow on your paper

**If you are using paint - make sure you have your colours ready! If you are missing a colour, I wonder how you could make it**
Here are a few hints from Twinkl.
I wonder how you could make pink... ๐Ÿค”

Now, carefully paint/colour in your rainbow - try and follow the same colours as Alphablocks!


You might also like to make a rainbow hand-print!

Happy Rainbow Creating Reception! ๐ŸŒˆ

Emotion Rolls ✄ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿคจ ๐Ÿ˜ฅ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿคช

**You could even try cutting zig-zags, or swirls instead of straight lines!!**

I wonder what emotions I could add to the orange and green face...
๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿคจ ๐Ÿ˜ฅ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿคช


๐Ÿคฉ Want to add more...
Add some arms and legs!

I used some strips of orange paper and my folding skills to make a concertina fold (zig-zag fold!)
I then carefully glued the ends to the side and the bottom of the roll.

Meet Mr. Happy!

Looking forward to seeing yours! ๐Ÿ˜€