Thursday 7 May 2020

Fine Motor Skills ~ Cutting Activity!

 Try a quick and easy Fine Motor Skill activity to help build up the strength in your hands! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™‚

All you need is:

  • paper
  • pen/pencils/crayons
  • scissors

I drew some lines on a piece of a paper and then used sellotape to stick it to the side of the chair. You could also try this on the side of a table or even just flat on the table!
You could try: straight, zig-zag, loops or even swirls!
I carefully followed the lines - holding the paper with one hand and my scissors in the other.

When you are holding your scissors - remember to keep your elbow close to your body and open and close with your thumb and fingers!


Do you remember when we made our Slithery Snakes by cutting on the line?
Try it at home! This time you will need to draw a swirl in the middle of the page and carefully cut on the line.

I even tried one with straight lines too!

Share and comment below:
  •  Which one you found easy? Which one did you find hard?


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