Friday 15 May 2020

Fun Friday ~ Sport Session! ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿฝ‍♀️

Welcome to our Fun Friday Sport Session again!

Today's sport session is in two parts:
1. A small workout session
2. Some ideas to practise throwing and catching at home!

Click on the picture below to get started.


Let's practice your underarm and overarm throw!

First, to get started start with a small, soft ball, or even rolled up socks, throw them carefully in the air, so you can catch it - 

Try this 10 times - Can you keep throwing and catching without it falling on the floor?

Next - Using your underarm throw (remember your hand is by your side) throw it to a family member.

Then - Using your overarm throw (remember your hand in by your ear now) throw it to a family member.

Which throw do you find easier? Why?
Can you teach an Overarm or Underarm throw to someone else in your family?

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